Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Splendid Welcome Home!

Leaving the beauty and peace of Manasota Key is always a wrench, but a gentle welcome home took the form of the blooming of the two Caryopteris (Blue Mist) shrubs in the garden. Sadly there were once six of these, but four of them did not survive a landscaping alteration some five years ago. The remaining two, which we have had for eight years, and inherited when they were a mere two feet tall, continue to thrive. The last of all the shrubs to bud, I always wonder how they survive every winter, especially the brutality of the last one (and the brutality of my cutting back in March!) Yet the small cream buds appeared in the last week of May, and now the long blue flowers are bursting open. They will continue to bloom through August, and then quietly wither as the month changes. Oh, no! Let's not think about time passing at the moment!

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