Tuesday, February 8, 2011

An extra shot, please!

Why do I make a habit of regularly visiting places like Starbucks, Seattle's Best and other chains? And why, when in foreign and exotic places (Massachusetts, Florida, Wading River...) do I seek out places where excellent espresso coffee is served in all its forms? It's not an addiction to the ground bean, at least I trust not. Neither is it a need to seek company, for I am content to sit alone with a book or laptop, or even my smartphone for company. It's something to do with drinking cappuccino, but much more. It's about soaking up the sights, sounds and smells that go hand in hand with cafe life. The hiss of pressurized steam, the gurgle of frothers, the slamming of metal; conversations near and far, whispered and announced. And the people. Customers and baristas, and (as I wrote these notes) a tiny man in a blue work-shirt, pince-nez on his nose, repairing one of the machines. And in and among all of these stimuli, these are also places to be still and think...

1 comment:

Rev. Richard Thornburgh said...

Probably more than the coffee, I enjoy people-watching.